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《Future Story》

zine / 2018






《Future Story》整理過去在廣州生活與在台灣拍攝的地景,試圖在兩者之間尋找某種屬於城市的宿命。城市裡毀壞與重建的矛盾永遠都在,仿佛歷史一直重演。






・尺寸:110 x 145mm




This zine contains two little books and a cover that can be opened. The photographs are taken in Guangzhou (a southern city in China) and Taiwan. It is interesting to see two different cities with different political regimes in different time, yet sharing a similar fate.


The development and demolition of a city creates conflicts and sacrifice to people. While the city continues to grow, what has happened in the past, will happen again in the future (if we do nothing).


(Open the cover a match stick can be found)


・ year:2018

・ size:110 x 145 mm

・ printing:Risograph

・ limited edition:50

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